Many roulette players do not understand the power of the zero numbers (0 and 00) be it the single zero on the European Roulette Machines or the double zero that is part of the American Roulette Machines. The Zeros are like kings in roulette while the other roulette numbers are the subjects worshiping at its altar. The zeros waits by the side bidding its time, waiting for the right time to manifest. Have you ever thought why zeros do not play all the time like other numbers? It is because they are regal like that! Kings do not walk about town anyhow, if a king is coming his advent is announced and prepared for. Security plans are made and people are dedicated to duties to see that things go well when the king is around. This is the part other numbers play in roulette, ushering in Kings zeros with some tricky plays that many of us roulette players do not even pay attention to. Only a good roulette player or one who reads this book to the end to learn these can make great wealth from zero plays. The book will reveal to you different factors that come together to orchestrate the entrance of zero. You will be awe struck and dumb founded at the easy opportunities you have lost your money to in the past by not making good money with them. Not to worry, now you are going to learn it as well as understand roulette better now. Your game is going to have new springs from now on. You will never have to enter the casino to lose your money and wake up the next day sick to the heart on remembering that you lost all your money the previous day. Now when you wake up, your face will burst out with sunshine on remembering the big chunk of money you won the day before. It is pay back time Boo, those casinos have got to restore all that they took from you.